Unlocking Latine Prosperity Through Worker Ownership: The Generational Wealth Initiative’s 2023 Community Wealth Building Pilot

Since its founding in 2003, Villa Comunitaria has been on a mission to meaningfully empower the Latine community of Seattle’s South Park neighborhood and beyond. They envision a vibrant and equitable future in which all families have access to educational opportunities, recreational activities, healthcare and nutrition, housing, and financial prosperity. To this end, Villa Comunitaria has been chosen by the City of Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods (DON) to be a part of the Generational Wealth Initiative’s 2023 Community Wealth Building Pilot.

Through this comprehensive initiative, DON is helping BIPOC entrepreneurs and community-based organizations launch innovative strategies to close the City’s racial wealth gap. Villa Comunitaria will be piloting one of the most integral strategies for economic development: the creation of worker-owned cooperatives.

What Are Worker-Owned Cooperatives?

Worker-owned cooperatives are businesses owned by their employees, as opposed to a single proprietor or group of shareholders. As a member of the cooperative, each employee has the ability to make decisions about their workplace, has an opportunity to skill up and increase their potential earnings, and additionally, shares in the profits of their labor.

In Washington State, the Spanish-speaking Latine community is currently lacking access to this type of community-controlled economic system, making this Generational Wealth Initiative project all the more important.

Why Is Villa Comunitaria the Perfect Fit for this Initiative?

As a BIPOC-led organization, Villa Comunitaria is uniquely qualified to spearhead what will be Washington State’s first Latine community-led cooperative venture. The skilled team of professionals has also been invited to participate in the Generational Wealth Initiative’s Community Roundtable, where their focus and dedication to addressing Seattle’s economic disparities were recognized.

What Implementation Plan Does Villa Comunitaria Have for their Project?

Villa Comunitaria is currently in the process of developing a worker-owned childcare cooperative, as their first Generational Wealth Initiative pilot effort. They have also invited members of the community to engage in the cooperative development process, which has been supported by a training and coaching grant from the Northwest Cooperative Development Center.

Additionally, Villa Comunitaria is actively recruiting a co-op development coordinator, as well as establishing an incubator program that will be focused on fostering a future network of Latine cooperatives.

Final Thoughts

People’s Economy Lab is proud to assist Villa Comunitaria in their first-of-its-kind effort to unlock Latine prosperity through worker-ownership. We are excited to see the launch of the worker-owned childcare cooperative and are excited to keep track of the continued success of all the Generational Wealth Initiative projects.

For more information on Villa Comunitaria’s Generational Wealth Initiative work, visit their website: villacomunitaria.org.

“Bringing Latine-Led Community Prosperity to Life: The Generational Wealth Initiative’s 2023 Community Wealth Building Pilot”

Villa Comunitaria is on a mission to create a bright and equitable future for the Latine families of Seattle’s South Park neighborhood and beyond. To accomplish this goal, they have been chosen to be a part of the City of Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods’ Generational Wealth Initiative’s 2023 Community Wealth Building Pilot. Through this initiative, they will spearhead the introduction of worker-owned cooperatives to the Washington Latine community – marking the first of its kind.

What Are Worker-Owned Cooperatives?

Worker-owned cooperatives are businesses owned collectively by employees, as opposed to a single proprietor or group of shareholders. Each employee of the cooperative gains decision-making power in their workplace, has the opportunity to gain skills and increase their potential earnings, and also shares in the profits of their labor.

Why Has Villa Comunitaria Been Chosen for This Initiative?

As a BIPOC-led organization, Villa Comunitaria is perfectly placed to lead this Generational Wealth Initiative pilot effort. To this end, their skill and dedication to addressing the City’s economic disparities have been noted by the Generational Wealth Initiative’s Community Roundtable.

What Is Villa Comunitaria’s Implementation Plan?

Villa Comunitaria is currently in the process of developing a worker-owned childcare cooperative as their first effort for the Generational Wealth Initiative. To foster this initiative, they have invited community members to participate in the cooperative development process and have hired a training and coaching grant from the Northwest Cooperative Development Center.

In addition, Villa Comunitaria is working to recruit a co-op development coordinator, and build an incubator program to support a larger network of Latine cooperatives.

Final Thoughts

People’s Economy Lab are honored to be a part of this pioneering initiative to bring economic prosperity to Washington’s Latine community. We look forward to the launch of the worker-owned childcare cooperative and other wealth-building projects associated with the Generational Wealth Initiative.

For more information on Villa Comunitaria’s mission and Generational Wealth Initiative project, visit villacomunitaria.org.

“Empowering the Latine Community Through Co-Operative Prosperity: The Generational Wealth Initiative’s 2023 Community Wealth Building Pilot”

For the last 18 years, Villa Comunitaria has been dedicated to meaningfully empowering the Latine community of Seattle’s South Park neighborhood and beyond. To facilitate their vision of equitable educational opportunities, recreation, healthcare and nutrition, housing, and financial prosperity for all, they have been invited to join the Generational Wealth Initiative’s 2023 Community Wealth Building Pilot. This comprehensive effort, initiated by the City of Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods, is striving to close the City’s racial wealth gap. Villa Comunitaria’s chosen strategy is the implementation of worker-owned cooperatives, a concept currently missing from Washington’s Spanish-speaking Latine community.

What Are Worker-Owned Cooperatives?

Worker-owned cooperatives are businesses owned collectively by their employees, as opposed to a single proprietor or group of shareholders. Each cooperative member is given decision-making power in their workplace, an opportunity to skill up and increase their potential earnings, and is eligible to share in the profits of their labor.

Why Is Villa Comunitaria Poised to Lead This Initiative?

Villa Comunitaria is well-placed to take the helm of what will be Washington State’s first Latine-led cooperative initiative. Their status as a BIPOC-led organization, as well as their passion for combatting economic disparities highlighted at the Generational Wealth Initiative’s Community Roundtable event, has been highly recognized.

What Is Villa Comunitaria’s Plan for this Project?

Villa Comunitaria’s first Generational Wealth Initiative effort is to create a worker-owned childcare cooperative, and to accomplish this, they have invited members of the community to participate in the cooperative development process. They have been granted a training and coaching grant from the Northwest Cooperative Development Center to support this program as well.

Villa Comunitaria is also actively searching for a co-op development coordinator, in addition to establishing an incubator program to further catalyze the development of a network of Latine-led cooperatives.

Final Thoughts

People’s Economy Lab is proud to be a part of this project to bring economic empowerment to the Washington Latine community. We look forward to the launch of the worker-owned childcare cooperative, as well as the Generational Wealth Initiative’s other community-driven projects.

To learn more about Villa Comunitaria and their Generational Wealth Initiative work, visit villacomunitaria.org.